AC drive systems provide nearly maintenance-free control of a winder. When the AC drive systems switch to regeneration from powering, or from regeneration to powering, the uncontrolled states near zero current of a conventional DC drive are eliminated. Operation at stall tension is limited in a DC Drive System because a DC motor is damaged if full current is applied at zero speed. AC drive technology does not have this type of restriction. AC drives can provide 100% current at zero speed without damaging the motor.
TMEIC provides drive systems and monitoring systems for various kinds of winding machines characterized by machine suppliers. Our drive system includes load sharing control between drums, residue unwinder (parent's roll) diameter control, taper tension control, and automation system for sheer repair so that our customer can get the optimal product qualities.
Systems Applications
- Two drum winder
- Single drum winder
- Center roll winder
- Rereeler
- Finish winder (winder products)
- Salvage winder