Message for the 15th anniversary since the foundation of TMEIC from Masahiko Yamawaki

Message for the 15th anniversary since the foundation of TMEIC from Masahiko Yamawaki

Massahiko Yamawaki
Massahiko Yamawaki

It is with great pleasure to commemorate the 15th anniversary of TMEIC’s establishment on October 1, 2018. We would like to express our deepest appreciation, as we are able to celebrate this event solely due to the steadfast support and patronage of all members, including our customers, business partners, shareholders and local communities.   

TMEIC was established on October 1, 2003 through the integration of the industrial systems and power electronics and rotating machinery businesses of Toshiba Corporation and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. The Company has since harnessed synergies in various areas including sales, technological development and production based on the business foundations handed down by its parent companies in order to provide better products, technologies and services. At the same time, TMEIC has expanded its business in the renewable energy field along with accelerating global business expansion by establishing 18 bases outside Japan.

As we mark our 15th anniversary and convey our appreciation, we will firmly keep in mind to undertake concerted efforts as a Group to meet customer expectations directed toward the next five years, 10 years and looking ahead.

We will aim to make further strides as a sustainable partner that will enable us to work hand in hand and grow together with our customers, while also become a company that is indispensable to our business partners and local communities.

In addition to providing products, technologies and services contributing to reducing environmental impact as a member of the global community, TMEIC continues to promote various corporate initiatives to realize a sustainable society.

We sincerely ask for your ongoing guidance and support in this endeavor.

Masahiko Yamawaki 
President & CEO
Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation 


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