Message from the President & CEO

Changing the company name on the occasion of our 20th anniversary and positioning FY2024 as the first year of TMEIC Next Stage, accelerating transformation and growth toward achieving a carbon-neutral society

The TMEIC Group’s corporate philosophy is to build relationships of trust with customers and contribute to the sustainable development of a global society as an industrial systems integrator. This philosophy has been in place since our earliest days and embodies the idea of realizing sustainability that we advocate. Our unwavering mission since our founding is to resolve society’s challenges through our business and progress and develop with society and customers. To achieve this, we aim to build strong partnerships that will enable us to work hand in hand and advance forward with our customers through close communication.

TMEIC has taken the opportunity upon our 20th anniversary to strive for the next stage of growth. In this endeavor, we changed our name to TMEIC Corporation on April 1, 2024. We remain committed to being a company that supports industrial and social infrastructure and contributes to the realization of a carbon- neutral society. We will also work to increase an understanding of our corporate philosophy and these activities among our many stakeholders and society as a whole. I ask for your ongoing guidance and support as we strive to achieve our goals.

TMEIC Sustainability and the SDGs

The TMEIC Group’s corporate philosophy is to build relationships of trust with customers and contribute to the sustainable development of a global society as an industrial systems integrator. This philosophy and the accompanying TMEIC Group's codes of conduct outline our approach to sustainability.

The Group recognizes that it has a social responsibility to help realize a society in which the environment and the economy are in harmony, and to develop technologies that support environmental protection. With this in mind, we have been undertaking initiatives that leverage our state-of-the-art technology and exceptional engineering capabilities so that our business activities contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. At the same time, we have endeavored to further gain the trust of customers and build better partnerships.

Following adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations in 2015, TMEIC has begun efforts to integrate the SDGs into management as a means to help achieve these goals. In fiscal 2019, we incorporated the SDGs as Group-wide guidelines and identified key challenges. Based on these critical areas, we will look to further strengthen ties with customers and continue taking on new challenges


TMEIC’s Key Challenges

All internal business divisions were involved in the process. Interviews were conducted to determine challenges and associated activities, and ensure that each of these are consistent with our management philosophy and medium-term management plan from the perspective of importance to the Company.

As a result, we put forward the following four themes as areas of critical importance.

  1. Realize a sustainable and resilient society
  2. Pursue innovation to expand added value
  3. Develop human resources and create an environment supporting corporate activities
  4. Establish standards and rules that form the basis of sound corporate activities

Going forward, we will set key performance indicators (KPIs) for each theme, regularly evaluate and re-identify the key challenges and continuously monitor each item through a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.

Key Challenges in Business Activities
Key Challenges in Management Foundations

TMEIC’s Value Creation Story

TMEIC is building a business model aimed at creating value for customers and all other stakeholders.

Engineering capabilities plus motor and power electronics technology have become core competencies that are supported by our exceptional solutions business, global network and business assets, which have laid a solid platform for profit and value creation. Through the provision of products and services to customers, we seek to help achieve the SDGs and resolve other social issues as well as enhance value as a corporate group.

We believe that these efforts will enable us to build relationships of trust with customers and contribute to the sustainable development of a global society as an industrial systems integrator, the ideal we advocate in our corporate philosophy.

Realization of Corporate Philosophy

Sustainability ReportSustainability Report

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